(Name of the State/UT:_______________________)
1.Year to which award relates
2.Name & Address of the Organization
3.Whether the organization is registered
(attested copy of the registration certificate
should be enclosed)?
4.Whether it has been in existence for the last 3 year?
5.Whether it has received any grant
from the
Central/State Government for the same purpose?
6.Whether it has given both the undertakings as
specified in the scheme of award {see(iv)&(v)
under the heading “How to apply for the award”} ?
7.Area of operation of the organization. Tribal/Backward/Rural/Urban/Semi-urban/Metropolitan.
8.Has the report of the activities of the organization
on consumer protection for the year ........ been enclosed?
9.Whether activities of the organization in .......... have
been verified by the State Government?
10.Impact of the activities of the organization on consumer
movement as observed by the State Administration.
11.Whether one copy of the report is enclosed for perusal
of the Central Government?
12.Recommendation of the State Government.
OF …………………

Swami Vivekanand National Award For Voluntary Consumer Protection
1.Name of the
2.Name and Address of the organization
3.Whether the organization is registered and
working in the field of consumer protection. For
more than 3 years (Please also enclose a copy
of Registration Certificate).
4.Area of
5.Total No. of Members in the organization. Male: _________Female:
Whether exclusively consisting of women? Student:_____________
6.Whether in receipt of grant –in aid from State/Central
Government? If so, for what activities?
7.Detail of Consumer Protection undertaken during
2005(refer to eligibility criteria):
8.Whether the organization received
any appreciation
certificate/award from the State/UT for the same purpose?
9.Explain the details of:-
(a) Important consumer causes taken up
during ...., in brief:
Promotional and educational activities
undertaken especially in rural areas during .....
(i) No. of Rural meetings organized
(ii) No. of seminars organized in rural areas. (enclose copies of
Minutes )
(iii) No. of exhibitions organized
(iv) No. of booklets published (enclose copies)
(v) No. of training programmes
(vi) Details of Newsletter/ Magazine brought out (enclose copies)
(vii) No. of training /seminars attended.
(c) Redressal of
(Annexures may be added to support the activity).
(i) No. of cases solved through own efforts.
(ii) No. of cases filed in DF.
(iii) No. of cases filed in SC.
(iv) No. of cases filed in NC.
(v) No. of cases won (copies of judgment enclosed)
(vi) No. of cases counseling given (enclose details)
10.Enclose a brief summary of all the consumer
protection activities undertaken in the year ....
(Not exceeding one page).
11.General remarks, if any
(Signature of the applicant)

Government accords a high priority to the
programmes of consumer protection and is keen to promote a strong and broad
based consumer movement in the country particularly at grass root level.
Cognizant of the manifold problems of the consumers, the Government has
enacted a comprehensive consumer protection legislation namely the Consumer
Protection Act,1986 which aims at providing simple, speedy and inexpensive
redressal to the consumer grievances. However, to promote a strong consumer
movement in the country, sections of the society particularly the women have
to contribute. To recognize the outstanding efforts made by the women in this
field and to encourage them, to come forward and take up such activities in
large numbers, the Government had instituted in the year 1993 a scheme of
annual National Awards for Women on Consumer protection. The Scheme has been
renamed after Swami Vivekananda in the year 2000.
Under the scheme, 3 awards will be given in the shape of prize money of
Rs.20,000/-,Rs.15,000/- and Rs.10,000/-. The recipients of the award will
also be given Certificate of Merit.
All the women who have done out standing work for consumer protection would
be eligible for this award. There will be no age limit. The performance will
be judged from their work in one or more of the following fields:
(i) taking up important consumer causes;
(ii) putting in special efforts for redressal of consumer grievances;
(iii) bringing out new ideas for consumer protection and safety from health
(iv) promoting consumer movement, particularly in smaller towns and rural
areas through exhibitions, seminar, demonstrations etc.;
(v) undertaking consumer research or
investigation into specific consumer problems;
(vi) taking up any other activity which directly or indirectly contributes
towards consumer protection and spreading the message of voluntary consumer
(i) The award will relate to calendar year 2012.
(ii) The aspirant will submit two copies of the report of her activity to the
concerned State Government/UT Administration. The activity report must
contain special efforts made by the
applicants in redressing consumer grievances; promotional and educational
activities undertaken by them, new ideas/approach exhibited by them; important
consumer causes taken up, etc. The report will indicate the activities under
clear heads and will also include her brief bio-data. The report should be in
the format enclosed and the activities should be supported by documentary
(iii) The report should be written in English/Hindi in legible handwriting
preferably typed in double space.
(iv) The aspirant will give an undertaking that she will abide by the rules
and regulations of the scheme.
(v) She will clearly indicate that she will not have any copy right claim
over the publication submitted by her for the purpose of this award and the
Government will have right to publish
the same or part of the report.
(i) The concerned State Government/UT Administration will verify the
activities and in case the State Government finds the work commendable, it
will forward the one copy of the report submitted to the Central Government
along with its recommendations and comments. The State Government can also
suo moto make recommendations in case of deserving persons whose work is
commendable and who fulfill the edibility conditions, even if an application
is not filed by the concerned person.
(ii) While assessing the performance of the aspirants, the State Government
will particularly see the impact of the performance on welfare of large
sections of consumers.
(iii) The selection will be made by a committee comprising of Secretary
(Consumer Affairs), Additional Secretary in-charge of consumer protection and
an eminent person who has done
outstanding work in the field of consumer protection to be nominated by the
Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution, Department of
Consumer Affairs. The recommendations of the Committee will be approved by
Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution.
(iv) Central Government reserves the right not to give any award
in a year when no one is found eligible for this purpose.

(Name of the State/UT:_______________________)
1.Year to which award relates....
2.Name & Address of the Applicant nominated.
3.Date of Birth and age as on 31.12....
4.Whether the applicant is an office bearer/member
in voluntary consumer organization, if so, details thereof ?
5.Whether involved in Consumer Protection activities
during the last three years ? If yes, details thereof.
6.Whether she has received any appreciation certificate/award
from the State/UT for the same
7.Whether both the undertakings as
specified in the scheme
of award {see (iv)&(v) under the heading “How to apply for
the award”} ? have given?
8.Area of
9.Activities in the field of consumer protection for
the year .... to which the award relates.
10.Whether activities have been verified by the
State Government?
11.Impact of the activities on
consumer movement
as observed by the State Administration.
12.Whether one copy of the activity report is enclosed?
13.Recommendation of the State Government.
GOVERNMENT OF…...................

Swami Vivekanand
National Award For Women on Consumer Protection
Name of the State/UT________________________
1.Year of which
award relates..........
2.Name and Address of the applicant
3.Date of Birth as on 31.12....
4.Whether the applicant is an office bearer/
member if any, voluntary consumer organization,
if so, detail thereof.
5.Whether involved in consume protection activities
during the last three years, if yes, details thereto.
6.Whether she has received any
appreciation certificate
/award from the State/UT for the same purpose?
7.Whether both the undertakings as
specified in the scheme
of awards {see(v)& (vi) under the heading “How to apply for
the award have been given?
8.Area of
9.Activities in the field of consumer protection during
2005 to which the award relates.
(a) Important consumer causes taken up
during 2005 in brief.
(b) Promotional and educational activities
undertaken especially in rural areas during ....
(i) No. of Rural meetings organized
(ii) No. of seminars organized in rural areas. (enclose copies of Minutes )
(iii) No. of exhibitions organized
(iv) No. of booklets published (enclose copies)
(v) No. of training programmes
(vi) Details of Newsletter/ Magazine brought out (enclose copies)
(vii) No. of training /seminars attended.
(c) Redressal of Grievances
(i) No. of cases solved through own efforts.
(ii) No. of cases filed in DF.
(iii) No. of cases filed in SC.
(iv) No. of cases filed in NC.
(v) No. of cases won (copies of judgment enclosed)
(v) No. of cases counseling given (enclose details)
10.Enclose a brief summary of all the consumer protection
activities undertaken in the year ....(Not exceeding one page).
11.General remarks, if any
(Signature of the applicant)

Government accords a high priority to the programme of
consumer protection and is keen to promote a strong and broad based consumer
movement in the country particularly at grass root level. Cognizant of the
manifold problems of the consumers, the Government has enacted a
comprehensive consumer protection legislation namely the Consumer Protection
Act,1986 which aims at providing simple, speedy and inexpensive redressal to
the consumer grievances. However, to promote a strong consumer movement in
the country, sections of the society particularly the youth and the women
have to contribute to this cause . To recognize the outstanding efforts made
by the youth and the women in this field and to provide them the incentive
and encouragement, the Government had instituted a scheme of annual National
Awards for Youth on Consumer Protection in 1987. This Scheme has been renamed after “Swami
Vivekananda” in the year 2000.
Under the scheme, 3 awards will be given in the shape of prize money of
Rs.20,000/-,Rs.15,000/- and Rs.10,000/-. The recipients of the award will
also be given Certificate of Merit.
All the youth including women in the age group of 15-35 year
who have done outstanding work for consumer protection would be eligible for
this award. There will be no age limit. The performance of the youth who will
apply for this award will be judged from their outstanding work in one or
more of the following fields:
(i) taking up important consumer causes;
(ii) putting in special efforts for redressal of consumer grievances;
(iii) bringing out new ideas for consumer protection and safety from health
(iv) promoting consumer movement, particularly in smaller towns and rural
areas through
exhibitions, seminar, demonstrations etc.;
(v) undertaking consumer research or investigation into specific consumer
(vi) taking up any other activity which directly or indirectly contributes
towards consumer protection and spreading the message of voluntary consumer
(i) The award will relate to calendar year 2012.
(ii) The aspirant will submit two copies of the report of his/her activity to
the concerned State Government/UT Administration. The activity report must
contain special efforts made by the them in redressing consumer grievances;
promotional and educational activities undertaken by them, new ideas/approach
exhibited by them; important consumer causes taken up, etc. The report will
indicate the activities under clear heads and will also include their brief
bio-data. The report should be in the format enclosed and the activities
should be supported by documentary proof.
(iii) The report should be written in English/Hindi in legible handwriting
preferably typed in double space.
(iv) The aspirant will give an undertaking that she will abide by the rules
and regulations of the scheme.
(v) He or she will clearly indicate that she will not have any copy right
claim over the publication submitted by him or her for the purpose of this
award and the Government will have right to publish the same or part of the

(i) The concerned State Government/UT
Administration will verify the activities and in case the State Government
finds the work commendable, it will forward the one copy of the report
submitted to the Central Government along with its recommendations and
comments. The State Government can also suo moto make recommendations in case
of deserving persons whose work is commendable and who fulfill the edibility
conditions, even if an application is not filed by the concerned person.
(ii) The recommendations and comments of the State Government along with
report of the activities should reach the Central Government latest by 31st
(iii) The selection will be made by a committee comprising of Secretary
(Consumer Affairs), Additional Secretary in-charge of consumer protection and
an eminent person who has done
outstanding work in the field of consumer protection to be nominated by the
Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution, Department of
Consumer Affairs. The recommendations of the Committee will be approved by
Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution.
(iv) Central Government reserves the right not to give any award in a year
when no one is found eligible for this purpose.
of the State/UT:_______________________)
1.Year to
which award relates.........
2.Name & Address of the
Applicant nominated.
3.Date of birth and age as on 31.12....
4.Whether the applicant is an office bearer/member
in voluntary consumer organization if
so, details thereof?
5.Whether involved in Consumer activities during
the last 3 year? If yes, details thereof.
6.Whether applicant has received any appreciation
certificate/award from the
State/UT for the same purpose?
7.Whether both the undertakings as specified in the
scheme of award {see (iv)&(v) under the heading
“How to apply for the award”} have been given?
8. Area of operation
9.Activities in the field of
consumer protection during
the year 2005 to which the award relates.
10.Whether activities of the organization in .... have
been verified by the State Government?
11.Impact of the activities on consumer movement as
observed by the State Administration.
12.Whether one copy of the activity report
is enclosed?
13.Recommendation of the State Government.

Vivekanand National Award For Youth on Consumer Protection
1.Name of the
2.Name and Address of the applicant.
3.Age(as on 31.12....)
4.Organisation for which he/she is working, if any.
5.Whether involved in consumer
activities during the last 3 years ?If yes, detail thereof.
6.Area of
7. Activities in the field
of Consumer protection during
2000 to which the award relates.
(a) Important Consumer causes taken up during
.... in brief.
Promotional and educational
activities undertaken especially in rural areas during ....
(i) No. of Rural meetings organized
(ii) No. of seminars organized in rural areas. (enclose copies of Minutes )
(iii) No. of exhibitions organized
(iv) No. of booklets published (enclose copies)
(v) No. of training programmes
(vi) Details of Newsletter/ Magazine brought out (enclose copies)
(vii) No. of training /seminars attended.
(c) Redressal of Grievances
(i) No. of cases solved through own efforts.
(ii) No. of cases filed in DF.
(iii) No. of cases filed in SC.
(iv) No. of cases filed in NC.
(v) No. of cases won (copies of judgment enclosed)
(vi) No. of cases counseling given (enclose details)
(d) Any other activity undertaken.
8.Enclose a brief summary of all the consumer protection
activities undertaken in the year ....(Not exceeding one page).
9.Whether a copy of the bio-data have been
enclosed ?
Yes or No
(Signature of the applicant)

5. The Government of
India has also introduced four prizes
for eminent Hindi Authors who have
been associated with the consumer affairs activities. These awards are to be
given by annually and the prize amount
of these awards has been kept as under:-
1st Prize =
2nd Prize =
3rd Prize =
4th Prize =
To gear up the consumer awareness
movement more effectively the Government of India has proposed to set up a
multi-functional Consumer Information Centres in each Distt. Of every State
and Union Territory through the Zila Parishad or Voluntary Consumer
Organization of the repute. The Broad
guidelines to set-up a Consumer Information Centre is as follows:-
Proposal to set up District Consumer Information Centre (DCIC)
1.Despite the enactment of the Consumer Protection Act, 1986,
awareness among a large section of people, the rights of the consumers and
how to protect those rights etc. still remains unknown to many due to
inadequate spread of Knowledge/information. To spread this awareness the
Government in 1992 created Consumer Welfare Fund, to promote and protect
consumer welfare by amending the Central Excise and Salt Act,1944 wherein
money refundable to manufacturers which could not be refunded due to lack of
identity, being credited.
2.The Deptt of Consumer Affairs had earlier circulated a scheme of financial
assistance for setting up of the Consumer Information Centres to be provided
from the Consumer Welfare Fund. All States and Union Territories were
requested to sponsor applications. The scheme is open to State
Governments/agencies and VCOs of repute. A total of Rs. 4 lakhs is to be
granted for setting up the each CIC out of which Rs. 2.35 Lakhs is in the
form of non-recurring expenditure and Rs 1.65 lakhs is in the form of recurring expenditure.
The non-recurring part is to be released immediately on sanction and the recurring
part is to be released in a phased manner spread over five years. Each CIC is
to function as information, resource and guidance centre and as a testing
centre. The agency which is to run the CIC is to be self-supporting in this
activity after five years and to continue on its own thereafter.
3. The existing Scheme of CIC was decided in the 14th meeting of
the Standing Committee in 1996 and all the State Governments were
subsequently requested to identify one
or two VCOs of repute capable of running such centres with initial capital
support. The response from the State Governments/VCOs has been rather
limited. It has been observed that many of the VCOs are not in a position to
self-sustain the scheme after the initial grant support ceases not many VCOs
have the capacity and resources to run a multipurpose CIC. It has now been
felt that the Panchayati Raj institutions should be actively involved in
implementing the scheme in addition to supporting capable VCOs, as before,
wherever they exist. It is felt that unless each district in the country have
at least one CIC geared to meeting the consumer requirements for awareness
generation consumer protection related activities would continue to have
negligible impact on the ground, despite enactment being on the Statute books
since 1986 and absence of funds constraints.
4. The reasons for suggesting inclusion of the role of Zila Parishads over
and above capable VCOs are as follows:-
(i) Zila Parishads are constitutional entities created for devolution of
powers to the local levels for greater decentralisation in decision making
and implementation.
(ii) Being elected and statutory bodies they are not part of the State
(iii) They have considerable resources, in terms of money, infrastructure and
manpower. Hence even after the grant from the centre ceases, the Zila
Parishads may not face any problem in continuing with the scheme.
(iv) Any fund given to Zila Parishad is subject to the discipline of audit
and accountability as per rules prescribed.
(v) The Zila Parishads are governed by the elected representatives of people
who have grass-root level knowledge and are therefore, capable to spread
awareness to make the consumer movement a mass movement.
5. To cover all the Districts through the Zila Parishads in five phases, with
115 districts in each phase (113 in last phase), it is proposed to give a
total financial assistance of Rs. 5 lakhs as one time grant, part of which
would be for non-recurring expenses and part a recurring component as
indicated in Annexure-I. Adequate space for proper functioning of the Centres
to be provided by Zila Parishads free of charge. Annual budget of the centre
to be vetted by CEO of Zila Parishad and any excess expenditure is to be
borne by Zila Parishad. The expenditure sanctions to be vetted by CEO Zila
Parishad The expenditure sanctions to be vetted by CEO Zila Parishad

The fund will be disbursed in phased manner covering 3 years with Rs. 2.5.
Lakhs in the first year , Rs. 1.75 lakhs in second year and Rs. 75,000/- in
the third year. The second and the third annual installment will be given subject to the review by the
monitoring committee and CIC having demonstrated satisfactory performance.
The willing Zila Parishad are to give undertaking for continue funding of the
DCIC beyond the limit of the grant if
and when required. The State Government will be approached by Deptt. Of Consumer
Affairs to ascertain the willingness of Zila Parishad and subject to their
giving undertaking to State Govts., the Specific Sanctions would be issued.
6. Functions of DCIC
· To disseminate information on all aspects of
consumer protection i.e. legal, administrative, information regarding
consumer courts and their procedures, information relating to consumer
organizations in the area, anti-poverty programmes, various governmental
schemes on employment etc. The DCIC will be responsible for disseminating
such information not only to the direct users in the centre but to all local bodies below the
Zila Parishad level.
· To liaise with the Distt. Weights & Measures
authorities/Laboratories in handling issues relating to quality, weights ,
adulteration etc. Wherever
Governmental Laboratories are not available DCIC will liaise with private
testing laboratories , if available to
use their facility on the basis of payment of fee.
· To maintain close interaction with Distt. Civil
Supplies Organization.
· To develop a Data base of the VCOs
in the region and consumer
related information such as relating to fair price shops , availability of
essential commodities etc.
· To organize all important functions relating to
consumer awareness generation such as World Consumer Day and to interact with
the student community in the school in the Zila Parishad region .
· To have access to nicnet/internet by which
information relating to all Governmental schemes and programmes etc. could be
obtained and disseminated (as and when funding for such computer facility is
given by the deptt. Of Consumer Affairs )
· To prepare annual calendar of activities in advance
and seek the approval of the Zila Parishad.
· To disseminate all information regarding legal
services authority who provide full range of legal service free of cost and
maintain liaison.

7. The total fund requirement of the scheme , if implemented
in all the 573 Distts.> of the country included in all the states
and Union Territories, would work out to Rs. 28.65 crores (@ Rs. 5.00 lakhs
per centre ). The yearly out flow covering seven years will be as per the
disbursement schedule given in annexure –1 . However , it is
not being suggested to be implemented in all the distts. at one
time because it is felt that if the scheme is implemented in phases and all
the distts. are covered gradually , it would facilitate proper review and
gaining of experience of different centres.
This would also facilitate mid-phase correction and improvement . It would provide opportunities for
mid-phase corrections and improvements of the scheme. It is proposed to implement the scheme
in five phases and in each phase 20% of the districts from each State/Uts are
to be taken up at a time. Year wise expenditure flow are projected below :-
(Rupees in Crores)
First Year
Second Year
Third Year
Fourth Year
Fifth Year
Sixth Year
Seventh Year

Monitoring of the Scheme/DCIC
8. A monitoring committee will be setup by the Zila Parishad
to ensure the smooth functioning of the centre . The committee will consists
of the following :-
(i) A nominee of the President of the Zila Parishad (from amongst
the elected members of Zila Parishad ).
(ii) A nominee of the District Civil Supplies Officer (not below the
rank of Assistant Civil Supply Officer).
(iii) A representative of a
Local VCO functioning in the district, to be nominated by the Distt.
Collector .
The Monitoring Committee will meet at least twice a year to review the over
all performance of the DCIC with reference to the calendar of activities and
place their review report before the President of the Zila Parishad.
The accounts of the DCIC will be audited in the same manner and by the same
organisation as the accounts of the Zila Parishad are audited. Duly certified
annual utilisation certificate has to be sent by the Zila Parishad to the
Deptt.. Of Consumer Affairs within 18 months from the date of release of
funds. The department of Consumer Affairs will review the functioning of the
scheme/centres in various states from time to time when meeting are held in connection with the monitoring of
prizes, availability of essential commodities etc. associating state Govts.
The State Government and the Deptt. Of
Consumer Affairs would also take appropriate steps such as periodic visit by
officials, evaluation, studies etc. in monitoring and evaluating the