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Last Updated July 07, 2006

The State of Himachal  Pradesh depends upon all the Essential Commodities  from  Neighboring  States  of Punjab,  Haryana  and  Delhi  for  its  requirement. The price  fluctuation in the  wholesale  market  of  the neighboring States directly influences the wholesale and retail prices in the Pradesh. The State Government has  practically  no  control  over the  prevailing  prices at  the source. However, the Government has been exercising control over the availability and prices of Essential Commodities in the open market by enforcing various statutory provisions under the various Acts and Control Orders.The Acts and the rules are described below :-


The Prevention of Black Marketing and Maintenance of Supplies of Essential Commodities Act, 1980


H.P. Bricks (Control) Act, 1969


The Consumer Protection Act, 1986

The Essential Commodities Act, 1955
Prevention of Sexual Harassment of Women at Work Places, Act 2013
National Food Security Act, 2013 Selection Guidelines
For online registration of complaints:
The Consumer Protection Rules, 1987
 Adoption of rules made by Govt. of  India under NFSA
Cash transfer of Food Subsidy rules 2015
Short supply of Food grains rules 2014
The Food Security (Assistance to State Governments) Rules, 2015
Food Security Allowance Rules 2015
Food Security Rules, 2019.